Tuesday, June 26, 2007

DicksnJanes #109: PABblab

Ken gives his take on PAB 2007, and finds symmetry. How authentic is that eh?


Andrea -- Just One More Book!! Podcast said...

I loved browsing thru all 1700 photos. If everybody posted their top 15 we'd only get to see the 3 important people, the ten cool people and thirteen photos of some toaster.

It was great to meet you, Ken. See you at PAB2008.

Scarborough Dude said...

Andrea, the thing I love most about mouthing off my opinions is that I know no one has to comply, so even if I make a lot of noise, my personal preferences don't become law, so there's no real harm done. Unless of course what I say does cause unintended embarrassment, and then I'm sorry. Nah, I'll stick by what I said - what I love seeing are closeups of people smiling - regardless of rank. See ya next June eh - if not sooner!

Unknown said...

Japanese principals...wheels them off stage, feed them a muffin, and put them in a corner!
The funniest thing I've heard since I got home!
Love you buddy...you're incredible.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ken:

If you heard the faint echo of a cheer about 9:10 pm on Thursday night, that was me cheering your rant on too many photographs; I couldn't agree more! When it comes to photos (especially snapshots)!

MMD said...

Well it's very intresting to hear about your experiences at PAB2007 (I didn't get to go but i'll probably just live vicariously through the people that went podcast's). As for the hugging thing i'm not to great with that...(my social awkwardness aside). I never know what to do when anyone hugs me and I probably wouldn't be too happy if anyone tried to do that to me.

P.S I personally like Steam Whistle as my Canadian beer of choice...or a can of Asahi

Scarborough Dude said...

Hey Damien! I' a big Staem Whistle fan myself - I could manage an entire summer on just Creemore and Steam Whistle. If we ever do meet, forget the hugs- we'll clink green bottles!

MMD said...

Have you taken the steam whistle tour. I sent Adam to go do it when he was in toronot. Lol meeting up without him would be weird or maybe it would be the Foreskin radio fan club (by the way I'm usually know as the MMD). What's the deal with Creemore at the LCBO. In Guelph I can't buy it buy the can...I usualy buy six diffent beers instead of a pack of one kind. Personally, I think it adds more choice. Anyways I got a bottle of Kingfisher (from india)that is calling me.

P.S sorry for the late introduction.

MMD said...

Hey did you go to Chez piggy restuarant (I believe that it had a bakery too). The bread was really great there.

Scarborough Dude said...

Now the fog has lifted - thanks for straightening me out Damien, aka MMD. Ya, I've done the SW tour, and was very glad to hear Adam did too. He's soaking up enuf suds and experience to keep him going for a long time to come. BTW, we went to the bakery, but not Chez Piggy - not much time for eating...

MMD said...

Hey Dude...creemore spring has been bought out by molsoncoors appearently (according to wikipedia). Has it changed how it tastes?

Scarborough Dude said...

Aah Creemore. Fortunately no change in taste or quality- so far. They knew it was good when they bought it, so hopefully they'll keep it small and true to its origins.

MMD said...

Damn Dude...you keep talking about creemore springs (in Adam's new transpondency eps) that I had to have some. I just went to the LC and bought a 6 pack and well I gotta say it is really good. The no perservative thing is kinda getting me down (constant refrigeration!)but otherwise I like it a lot.

Anonymous said...

I'm a little late listening to this show :) But then that is the great thing about podcasts because you are never really late. Just had to say, I blushed at the romantic dinner comment. It was one of my favourite memories from PAB. I hope it is a date for next year. Will take your advice on "preparing" prior to listening to the next show :)