Saturday, May 21, 2005

Man oh man!

What a bugger getting that last podcast up! All cuz I mistakenly changed the name on one file (pasted when I shudda copied), and f&%#@8ed up the sync fucntion witth .mac. Anyway, it's done - and now I'm only moments from starting into #8. BTW, if you have any friends who might be interested, I could always use a few more listeners. Don't really need votes - I'm quite content being number 2108 on Podcast Alley's Top 100, but feedback always welcome.

P.S. The line up for the Apple Store opening now only went thru Yorkdale Mall, but outside and around it!! Watched the first few keeners get in and heard the cheers, but no way I was gonna wait in that line!


Anonymous said...

still, pile of crap...

Scarborough Dude said...

Okay, so I went on a bit long about the dam pink blossoms! Hey, I'm convinced it was caused by alcohol withdrawal - it won't happen again. From now on, no podcasts goes up without a drink or three to calm me down...

Anonymous said...

Chatting about the view out the window is ok but you tend to run on about it. It seems like you think you actually don't have anything to say so you say it again and again. Your comments are fine -just say it once and then say something else. When you're sitting somewhere and just gazing around -keep a little stiff cover memo pad or someting near you and jot down single words or phrases to remind you of what you'd thought. To effectively ramdom-ass your way through a radio broadcast is boring as hell unless you're really good at it -and you will get good at it in time -but for starters make some simple speaking note. Even my all-time favourite "comedian" Mort Sahl (sic?) who was really more of a commentator on public bs used to circle the things in the paper he always carried on stage to refer to. And he was one of the best there ever was for ad-hoc monologue.

You may not have the time but as you seem to like the city around you for content then you might, after you've recorded insitu -do a little homework and cut in a few comments later about the place that might be interesting.

I dont' know -anway I know your long time suffering with the mag and it's nice to know you're onto a new medium, kinda feeling your way around and havin fun into the bargain!!

Great -keep it up!!

Anonymous said...

wow, that last comment was verbose

The Great White North will be listening...

robb said...

Hi Ken

Not sure if you have already left for Japan yet...when are you planning to put your next "broadcast" up on the net?

Scarborough Dude said...

Still in Canada, not at at prepared for May 30 departure, and podcasting is to blame! Hope to have #8 up by Saturday evening, Eastern Standard Time- your Sunday morning...

robb said...

Thanks for the i n f o...seeya!