Saturday, April 30, 2005

Dicks&Janes Podcast#3

Holy shit - we're already up to 3!! Vowed this would be the beginning, or the end, of the dicks&janes podcast, so listen and find out. Further thanks to Bob & AJ for not being Adam Curry, the real Bob & AJ (again), character flaws, plug for Uncut magazine. New intro with a Kerouac laugh and some juju music, and a show fueled by plenty of vin rouge. Oh ya, and a shitty birthday too.

The tunes you'll enjoy from the Scarborough Dude's collection:

D'arcy Farrow - Matthews Southern Comfort (Beat Goes On Records, UK)
Universal Hall - The Waterboys (Uncut, Best of 2003)
Consuela Biaz - Boney M (Boonoonoonoos) (background music)
Congratulations - Ebineezer Obey (Nigerian bootleg tape)

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