The Scarborough Dude reveals his drunken lout side and then tries to pass himself off as a nice guy.
Drunk On The Moon - Tom Waits - The Heart Of Saturday Night
You're Pretty When I'm Drunk - Blood House Gang - Use Your Fingers
Check out Drunk On Sunday on FaceBook
Hear more Timothy Leary and others from the 60s on Lorenzo Hagerty's Psychedelic Salon
Dude...I mean Uncle Ken...what the fuck? Shouldn't be this the point in your life when you take up things like Bocci Ball or Square Dancing? I have tried really hard to lead by example over the years, but I guess the message just hasn't gotten through. I guess you are just beyond help at this point. Getting drunk on a Sunday...imagine. For me this is the day when one needs to reflect on a past week and things that could have been done if we had not been so lazy. You, though, seem to revel in your malaise. That, and copping a feel off some innocent young lamb in a bar. That to you is a major accomplishment. Getting drunk on a Sunday is a concept realized only by long haired hippy freak gnomes such as yourself. I sir, choose to spend my Saturdays in a drunken stupor. I do so in the comfort of my own home, where I remove myself from the temptations of wanton, perky-breasted young ladies. Believe me, it has saved me a great deal of frustration and self-abuse over the years. Anyhow, that is beside the point. Now you're on some tangent on over-population. These podcasts are not so different than a session in your basement, where you ramble on at length about this and that. Speaking about going to church on a Sunday, the one thing that bores me most is listening to a priest go on and on at his alter, listening to the sound of his own voice. What makes you different? What's that? Now it's on to Greece and greedy corporations. Now you're starting to scare me. Yelling and ranting. Talking about the human species getting sick and shit like that....didn't this all start with your generation? In all due seriousness, your generation created all this and you are not addressing that. You started off as flower children and then became DINKS, and then started consuming en masse. Then, you started spawning and passed this mentality on to your kids. This is where we are now. We pass off our faults and mistakes and blame everyone and everything else for it. It takes balls to truly admit our faults, and more than that, to change from within. Now you're on to it after the fact, that you are sober. Here is the simple solution...parents, teach your children to appreciate what they have. Don't throw shit at them because you feel guilty for your shortcomings. In other words, spend quality time with your kids and show them you love them. Pass on good values and be open as they get older. I submit I plan to do this with my boy. Good intentions and all...
P.S. - may I add a suggestion for your background music? Have a listen to The Police's "Ghosts in the Machine". Particularly the second side. "Secret Journey", "One World (Not Three)", "Rehumanize Yourself", and "Darkness", are tracks worth visiting. On a seperate note, The Police's "Zenyatta Mondatta" is another amazing album. "When the World is Running Down" is a great inspirational track.
Holy shit Neph Geoff! I can't even get my friends to listen to this thing, never mind family! But then again, you're on your own for a spell, free to indulge. I like to imagine you listening to these podcasts of your Uncle after this Dude's dead and gone, although that might be a bit creepy. But it is about family; I wouldn't feel free to express myself like this if I thought my own father was listening in, and I'm a little embarrassed about the oral legacy I'm passing down to my own children, who would probably prefer not to listen. Best I think is skipping generations; my grandfather Percy would understand this, and I hope my grandchildren or others might too. At heart, it's honest.
Ken - Yes, I am enjoying the freedom. At the same time I miss my boy, and even my wife a great deal. However, this time has proven valuable in rediscovering some music I totally forgot about. Hence, my suggestions about The Police. I do admire you for putting yourself out there.I don't do that, but I am on Twitter now. I have come up with some heady stuff. I will "follow" you, so check out my posts. I agree that Leslie would not have approved. Joan would have gone along with it, simply for the fact that you were her favourite. Percy, I don't know about. The boys at least have the option of checking it out after you are dead and buried. Sounds morose, but it is true. Don't know at this point how much I want Liam to know about his Dad's past.
Dude I gotta say that I am so thankful for your show. Every time you say something about questioning the value of what you do I smirk a little bit because of how much it means to me, so hopefully the knowledge that it has touched at least one person as deeply as it has me is a comfort of a sort. Being in Japan now, your show is something akin to the comfort of being home or at least somewhere very safe feeling and comfortable. Dicksnjanes is like an amniotic bath to me and I think that says it all.
I just scanned the Order Of Canada recipients for this year and again your name wasn't on the list.
You're just becoming more un-influential by the minute.
Now ask me if I care.
Richard, I saw that Order Of Canada list, and yes, once again I was snubbed! I still don't know why, but maybe there's a new Special Award in the works, and it's taking time to get all the ducks lined up just right. I sense I may not have your complete support, but I'm guessing that's because you too perhaps feel overlooked by Rideau Hall. Ha!
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