The Scarborough Dude celebrates his 300th episode of DicksnJanes by recycling episode 003 - with a little time for reflection.
D'arcy Farrow - Matthews Southern Comfort (Beat Goes On Records, UK)
Universal Hall - The Waterboys (Uncut, Best of 2003)
Consuela Biaz - Boney M (Boonoonoonoos) (background music)
Congratulations - Ebineezer Obey (Nigerian bootleg tape)
Congrats on 300 episodes.
That's pretty cool.
I wonder if there are any other amateur podcasts that have made it to 300 episodes?
Regardless your still in a class all your own.
Okay, since I got shit on during the podcast for congratulating you in advance during 299, here's a comment for 300.
Has the voice of the Dude changed since episode 3? Fuck yeah! And thank god, because I don't know that I could put up with 25 minute long African jam sessions every week.
I've admittedly only listened for a couple of years, but have always admired that you allow yourself to be the central character in a story that's unending.
That I've enjoyed your imperfection of authenticity, has given me a level of assuredness that my dabblings in imperfection can be entertaining, if not illuminating, to others.
Here's to 500!
I only have a moment right now, but I had to stop in to leave a message of congratulations on episode 300 (despite the in-episode disparagement of such messages); well done, sir.
I'm going to try to remember to weigh in again later with some thoughts on the evolution of the show as I see it, but for now let me just express my relief that you didn't use the occasion of the 300th episode to announce your retirement from podcasting. I will confess that I had some fear of this; though my brain told me that the Dude would continue on, my heart worried that this would be the end.
Cheers to 500 indeed!
Good man Dude. Downloaded, but not yet listened to ep 300 yet. Was in Bashamichi yesterday enjoying a few nice pints. Not in Takemi's of course but another lovely bar. Will show you some day if you ever come back. Paddy
Well done! I will keep on listening until 500.
How strange to hear Bob & AJ from 6 years ago on dicksnjanes :)
Happy 300 dude! We'll celebrate dnj 1000 together, no pressure.
Congrats on #300. Listening back to #3, one thing I noticed is that your voice back then sounded... kinder? Wondering if the tone may have changed over the years as you felt more and more that you were among friends?
Great to meet you today!
Gotta run.
Congrats on 500 in advance!
Continuing to catch up, and have now arrived at 300. Many, many congratulations -- but more than that, many thanks for sharing it all with us. My life is better for being here with you for an hour a week.
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