The Scarborough Dude presents How To Win At Podcasting at Podcamp London 2010.
The famous
Scarborough Dude scarf designed by
Katherine Matthews I brag about during my opening.
Podcasts I mentioned during the talk:
Anthony Marco:
DyscultureDJohn Meadows:
On The LogTim Coyne:
The Hollywood PodcastTCG Sterling:
Colours Out Of SpaceKen and Brent:
Got a chance to listen to your talk at Pod Camp London. Good hanging out with you guys last Saturday night.
Thanks for writing in Dan! As you no doubt heard in my talk, comments are very much appreciated - even critical ones. I totally enjoyed #pclo10, and especially the time at the Ceeps, but it sure was difficult conversing above the loud music near the end!
Hi Ken,
I continue to find great enjoyment in all your podcasts. Who needs Therapy when we can listen to you. Long Time Listener- John from Michigan
how nice to hear you present again - it's like I was there
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