Friday, April 02, 2010

DicksnJanes #240: moreofthesame

The Scarborough Dude talks to you from his favourite place.

Alabam - Cowboy Copas - Country Meets Rockabilly
It Comes Right Down to You - It's a Beautiful Day - Marrying Maiden
On The Road - Jack Kerouac - read by Matt Dillon


Anonymous said...

Dude, you know that I want to be a member of the DicksnJanes Tribe (if I'm not already). Keep 'em coming.

Quietloft said...

Just finished listening to the episode, and wanted to say a big thank you for the call-outs. I'll certainly work in some response in this week's episode.

Regarding your recording from the park: this morning I was sitting on the bench at the train station waiting for the 8:05, listening to #240 while enjoying the warm weather, the slight breeze, and the sounds of the birds. When I noticed the train coming, I stopped the podcast and *whoop* all the bird sounds were gone! I hadn't realized that the birds were on your end, not mine. Ok, so not a big deal, bit I think this kind of 'situated' recording adds a degree of authenticity and intimacy to the conversation that is often lacking in studio environments.

Cheers \


Scarborough Dude said...

Thanks Ed - I love having the birds in the background when I record - the mic picks them up well. Yes, I prefer the outside ambient noise to the silence of an office.

Happy to mention your show - no need to feel you have to respond in kind though.