Friday, February 16, 2024

DicksnJanes #984: prettyfuckendamgood!

Scarborough Dude on Super Bowl viewing, music listening, zen thinking, cancel culture understanding, Nigerian wealth, getting high, basking in sunshine, opening doors, engaging with people, getting exercise, and even more eh! 


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed this one and appreciated your "shoutout"...I hope Harold, who you mentioned was very "brave", is doing ok.

Kind regards,
RB, formerly "Singapore Sam" but now "Chiang Rai Charlie"

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed this episode and appreciated the "shoutout" too....hope your buddy Harold is hanging in there.
Chiang Rai Charlie

Robert Balcer said...

Good episode....and appreciated your shoutout!

Chiang Rai Charlie

Anonymous said...

Very enjoyable episode!! Thanks very much for the shout out...appreciated!
Thailand Tom