Friday, May 01, 2020

DicksnJanes #787: no show notes

Ken, in happier times. Nigeria, 1981
Scarborough Dude might attract more listeners if he made show notes, but that ain't gonna happen.

This Son Has No Title - Elton John  - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Another Girl - The Beatles - Help!
Bonhomme Bonhomme - Kids Direct - O Canada!


robb said...

Enjoyed the episode very much, as the overall tone seemed really positive in spite of all the madness we are experiencing worldwide. Prick is a prick, but he does get it right occasionally!!

Scarborough Dude said...

Thanks Rob! Always great to get comments, but more importantly to know a few friends are still listening. Sometimes I listen back to my own podcasts and wonder how anyone could continue to follow along with me. But other times I feel it's all meant to be just as it is, in a zen-like way. No resistance, no fixed outcome - just into the ever-changing now, and that's fun.

Stay tuned- a special 'cowboy' music podcast is in the works...