Wednesday, August 30, 2017

DicksnJanes #640: Ontario’s West Coast - Part 2

Sunset over Lake Huron
The Scarborough Dude shares more of his time around the campfire at Point Farms Provincial Park.

On A Holiday - Brian Wilson - Smile
I'm In Great Shape / I Wanna Be Around / Workshop - Brian Wilson - Smile


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this camping series - very visual. It didn't sound like you were at all, but did you get lonely at any time during the campout? I'm planning on biking from Atlanta to New York City in mid-September, which will be a lot of time alone, so I was just curious if you had any twinges of loneliness between recording clips.

Scarborough Dude said...

HI Kenneth! That sounds like a challenging bike ride! Camping in a Roadtrek is pretty easy in comparison. I never felt lonely, or wished I had someone with me, but I did enjoy time for reflection, the time to replay old memories and recall friendships. Having music and books with made it very enjoyable.

Next camping trip recording coming up soon...