The Scarborough Dude tries to change the topic, and is grateful for the comfortable life he leads.
Jumpin’ with Symphony Sid - Van Morrison - A Night in San Francisco
Police Skit - Sean Paul - Dutty Rock
Get Busy - Sean Paul - Dutty Rock
Special thanks to Norm Augustinus for the Van Morrison!
Learn even more about Norm on Wikipedia!
Be sure to also listen to Talking To Tim!
Can't wait to listen to this! I'm still going through all of your old episodes (currently on 209) and it really is amazing to listen to you in the past and present interchangeably.
So much has occurred in your life since you started podcasting and your catalogue is such a great testament to it all!
Cheers, cheers, and cheers again my friend!
If I awarded prizes for dedicated listeners Kenneth you'd be sure to win! I should go back myself and listen to some of the more distant past, as a lot has changed in life, and overall for the better. But For now I'd better keep on moving forward. I really do appreciate your support and encouragement, thank you.
Dude, You should of Told those Cops on Top of the Hill your The Mayor Of Scarborough Bluffs and told them to step aside. Unless you closed the road yourself.....Hmmm...
- John from Mich
First... I'm confused did you mean "salt" when you were talking about buying "ice", are you putting ice in ice?
Second it's funny you mention rob ford made cuts to storm preparedness. He is supposedly the money saving mayor but he keeps costing taxpayers more. I agree a state of emergency should have been called since taxpayers pay for both the army and provincial / federal help for Toronto, at least with the army services would have been restored faster, and business could have stayed open. It really screwed those on social assistance who lost all their frozen/ refrigerated food.
Yes for sure I meant SALT when my brain just fired out ICE. Heard it on the replay, and figured everyone would know what I meant, what can you expect from a 65 year old brain, and of course i don't edit anyway. Expect to hear many more WRONG words as the years pass by. I'm aiming for 1000 episodes now.
Dude, You get Bee's with more Honey. Not Ice. Or salt for that mater. Respond to those who butter your bread. John from Michigan
It wasn't meant to be mean. I listen to this podcast at work predominantly so I just have it in the background so I just take everything as gospel... Unless you're yelling
Hey Dude, No yelling here. I think my comment was lost in Translation. Love the show. Say, I have a question. Did you ever get into any of Led Zeppelin's music?. - John from Mich.
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