Wednesday, February 23, 2011

DicksnJanes Podcast #285: unheroed

The Scarborough Dude recalls more of his journey to Morocco, looks forward to #Podcamp Toronto, and renounces his Fucken Hero status.

I Talk To The Wind - King Crimson - In The Court Of The Crimson King
Ohio - Neil Young - Live At Massey Hall 1971
Bottom of the River - The Tom Fun Orchestra - You Will Land With A Thud


Kenneth said...

Dude I have to tell you that some days it's the highlight of my day to see that you've posted a new episode. Sometimes I wish that you released each episode on a set date but I must admit I love the surprise.

Scarborough Dude said...

Thanks Kenneth! Lately it's been either Tuesday or Wednesday by the time I get the podcast up, as I try to finish on a Sunday. But of course you know by now I have a problem following prescribed rules- the exception being I can almost guarantee one dicksnjanes podcast a week.

Happy to still have you as a listener!