Tried And True - Ween - Quebec
If I Needed Someone - Show Of Hands - Uncut - While My Guitar Gently Weeps
We are more - Shane Koyczan
The Members of the Southern Ontario Amateur Podcasters (SOAP) Network affirm the following principles:
We podcast because we feel passionately about the art of podcasting.
We podcast because podcasting is fun, free and friendly.
We podcast because of the spirit of friendship and camaraderie we find
through podcasting.
We podcast because we believe that the medium of podcasting matters,
for its own sake.
We podcast because we believe that the amateur voice needs to be
heard, in the face of an increasing focus on marketing, monetization
and commercialization.
Have to agree about Ween and the Quebec CD. They pulled out all the awesome ear candy for that one.
When I was doing internet radio, one of my listeners turned me on to Ween. I think I'll put something from Quebec in the next Bin (if I ever get the Studio B computer working).
What's all this God business anyway?
I can't believe I had never heard of Ween until my son turned me on to them last year - what an incredible range of talent and creativity!
Ya, I forgot I didn't believe in God - an there I am, having one of those 'this is God!' moments. I think I meant just entering the 'Now' is as close as we'll ever get to what God represents. Or maybe I'm just confused...
Just finished listening Dude.
Thanks for the moment. Well done.
I appreciate the comment Doug - but it's funny, when you say 'well done' I feel almost apologetic, as I really didn't 'do' anything in a conscious or active sense. It really is a case of just turning on the recorder and seeing where my words lead me. It's more like I'm following than leading, which is one of the reasons I still enjoy doing the podcast - I never know what's next.
Thanks for sharing the moment. More people need to take the time. :)
I love Koyczan, glad he made such a splash during the opening ceremonies.
He's been touring with the equally great Dan Mangan in a mix of music/poetry show.
because I thought you'd like it:
Agree with your comments on craig keilberger a few podcasts back name was.
I actually starting laughing like a loon when I heard that.
That boy is in the business of himself.
God, Ween, Satan - thanks for a aural vision of Lake Ontario as something other than an industrial corridor wasteland.
BTW, is there a secret handshake for SOAP? After some of my recent lovehatethings podcasts, some of my friends have suggested I wash my mouth out with soap... I want to say, we are SOAP!
Thanks for listening Anthony. It may seem like I'm sitting by my blog waiting for it to ring - a comment comes in and I jump at it!
I have a confession to make: when we started kicking this SOAP idea around a week ago John Meadows suggested we ask you (DyscultureD) to join right at the start - and I was the one who suggested we wait till we got it going. Why? Cuz I, with my think skin on, figured you'd want nothing to do with this crazy idea. That may still be the case, but I should have made sure you were asked.
Thick skin on - so feel feel to refuse, but we'd be honoured if we could add DyscultureD to our SOAPnet list. Hmmm, this is probably not the right box to put this message in, but what the hell, maybe someone else will pick up on it too. (we're working on the secret handshake - stayed tuned)
We're all about community. I would be more than happy to slap a badge on the websites of all three podcasts I do... although one of the DyscultureD founders records from Victoria, he is originally from Hamilton.
I hereby pledge the allegiance of DyscultureD, lovehatethings, and Best Episode Ever to SOAP, one provincial region, under Web, with sibilancea and jesters for all.
Thick skin unnecessary - I like crazy.
Hey dude.
You're no "amateur". Not sure if I like you and your mates referring to each other as amateurs.
Hmmm. Feels like a Buffet conversation.
I was thinking of 'amateur' more in this sense: "a person who engages in a pursuit, esp. a sport, on an unpaid basis", rather than: "a person considered contemptibly inept at a particular activity"- but mainly we want to convey the idea that we're doing this for love, not money- although I'm sure any one of us would happily take money if i offered. But I think of you as a 'pro'- your podcasts are your real life, mine is my hobby.
wtf? why didn't you post a picture of the cat(s)?
as usual, liked a lot of what you said. won't go into why. just liked it.
Sheesh! Some people are never happy! First I had to fix the toilet, and now I have to change the view so you can see the cat!
SD -- no, no, no, don't change the view. i was just listening, and heard you snap (?) the photo, and immediately went back to your home page to see the picture of the cat....and saw trees. lovely, lovely trees.
how about this? go over to my blog, and tell me which photo you want changed. i'll do it, just for you. ;)
awwwwww! it's adorable. and i'm touched you did that because i'm such a carper. next time i'm in Toronto, beers on me. (beer for you, wine for me.) Top of CN Tower, perhaps?
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