Sunday, September 14, 2014

DicksnJanes #475: iamalive!

The Scarborough Dude finds his stride again, or so he thinks...

Uncool - Del Close & John Brent - The Beat Generation, Vol 3
Cool - Del Close & John Brent - The Beat Generation, Vol 3
Reaching Into In Ken Nordine The Beat Generation, Vol 1
Somethin’ Else - Miles Davis - The Best Of The Capitol/Blue Note Years


Kenneth Pararo said...

Definitely continuing to dig on these episodes.
On another note, not sure if this is restricted to Android devices or maybe just my podcast app, but I haven't been able to access your feed for the last few days on my phone. Just FYI.

Carry on!

Scarborough Dude said...

I have at least 2 different feeds for this podcast, mainly because I didn't know what I was doing when I first set it up. One feed is from the blog, and the other is from an xml file I still write, which may be the one iTunes uses. I subscribe to both, just to make sure they work, but beyond that I know nothing.

iTunes link: