Sunday, December 01, 2024

DicksnJanes: CDNOP2024

Ken returns in honour of an old tradition - the Canadian National Day of Podcasting!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

DicksnJanes Podcast #1000c: even more vintage vrooom!

Scarborough Dude takes his listeners to Mosport once again for the sounds of vintage race cars and whatever else he has to say, part 3.

Friday, June 21, 2024

DicksnJanes #1000b: more vintage vrooom

Scarborough Dude takes his listeners to Mosport once again for the sounds of vintage race cars and whatever else he has to say, part 2.

Monday, June 17, 2024

DicksnJanes #1000a: vintage vroom

Scarborough Dude takes his listeners to Mosport once again for the sounds of vintage race cars and whatever else he has to say.

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

DicksnJanes #999: relinquish resistance

Scarborough Dude chats from Thompson Park, and on Saturday takes the train downtown for a free concert.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

DicksnJanes #998: gentle lift off

Scarborough Dude spends an enjoyable 3 day weekend camping with Sal and friends at Bon Echo.   

Monday, May 20, 2024

DicksnJanes #997: awakening to racing

Scarborough Dude recalls the twist, talks about ideas becoming reality, finding or losing the self, awakening, shares Buddhist ideas on detachment, being nice in daily life, the power of positivity, followed by an hour of car races.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

DicksnJanes #996: Killbear

Scarborough Dude and Sal join 60 other Roadtreks at Killbear Provincial Park for an enjoyable May camping get together.

Monday, May 06, 2024

DicksnJanes #995: invisible me

Scarborough Dude makes the most of his time at Presqu'ile, shares some more readings, talks about the student protests and other news, learns the meaning of shoshin, and rediscovers an important book about the invisible self.