Tuesday, April 30, 2024

DicksnJanes #994: the voices in my head

Scarborough Dude talks about old friends from podcasting, getting new tires for Sal, chair yoga, not caring about minor annoyances, quotes more Eckhart Tolle, has a great birthday walk, and ends up happily at Presqu'ile Provincial Park.

Friday, April 19, 2024

DicksnJanes #993: still here

Scarborough Dude continues to share his most likely never ending journey towards awakening, quite happily.

Friday, April 12, 2024

DicksnJanes #992: this, too, will pass

Scarborough Dude opens the camping season at Rondeau Provincial Park, is awed by the solar eclipse and a stunningly beautiful sunset on Lake Erie, and shares more thoughts on awakening to life.

Friday, April 05, 2024

DicksnJanes #991: onemindonly?

Scarborough Dude heads off on an enjoyable mini-vacation to Ottawa and Montreal with his wonderful wife Naoko.