The Scarborough Dude fails to heed the warnings, LOL, and may have lost most of his iTunes subscribers. But hey, if they really care, they'll find me, right?
Somethin' Else - Miles Davis - The Best Of The Capitol/Blue Note Years
The Good Humor Man He Sees Everything Like This - Love - Forever Changes
Diamonds On My Windshield - Tom Waits - The Heart Of Saturday Night
And the podcast I keep referring to, Lorenzo's Notes from the Psychedelic Salon
Leary and Ginsberg heros? They aren't celebrated cause they didn't do anything.
I assume this comment is simply bait, dropped in by someone with a perverse interest in hearing me over-react. Sorry, ain't gonna do it. If anonymous really believes Leary and Ginsberg 'didn't do anything' then it's simply not worth anyones time trying to convince them otherwise.
More intersting would be if anonymous wasn,t anonymous, and shared who he/she really have done something in and for America.
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