Sunday, October 15, 2006

DicksnJanes #71: Free Willeh?

The Scarborough Dude tries to unload a semi-trailer and then pretends he knows what he’s talking about, but doesn’t.


Chief O'Neill's Favourite - The Dubliners - The Best of Irish Folk - Vol. 2
Here It Is - Leonard Cohen - Ten New Songs
Whether Yours or Mine - Michelle Emmanuel (background)

Skid load of Fuckin' Fucks compliments of Dutch!


Anonymous said...

I do not make a habit of writing into podcasts, but I felt, given the circumstances, there was no other alternative. How can I convey how deeply shocked I was to hear your liberal use of the "F" word during your broadcast? Please be aware that some of your listeners might be offended by the use of such language. In the future, if you insist on using this foul word, I would hope that you would put an 'explicit' warning next to your podcast name. I hope that you will do so, as "fart" is a word that I hope not to hear again.

Thank you for your curt attention to this matter.


Scarborough Dude said...

Dear Tea Lady,

I can tell from your letter that you are well bred and educated, and are no doubt familiar with the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I mention this with the faint hope that you might understand that sometimes I seem to be overtaken by demons, and lose complete control of my tongue. Please find it in yourself to forgive my profanities, and pray that I might one day be rid of those crazy fuckers! Oh dear, I feel another fart coming on - excuse me...

Dry Shave said...

Funny, you talk about your iRiver running out of space, starting over, then running out of space, then starting over, then running out of space, then starting over....

So I was thinking of Sisyphus. Then Zeke brings up Camus. See any irony here?

Hi (as always) to you too, Dude.


Anonymous said...

Ooooh, hahaha, man....any bad day I could ever have or had just disappeared into a happy piss my pants kind of laughter into oblivion...that was the best thing I've ever heard in my life....

Anonymous said...

Hey, Tea Bag ...

Get off the internet!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dude, thanks for the shout-out. Enjoyed the outburst during my morning commute. Finding an isolated place to let it all out in this town ain't easy, unless you enjoy going to karaoke alone. Staying tuned... Paddy. Tokyo

Anonymous said...

There is swearing on the fucking internet? I had no idea.

Anyway, as usual tremendous stuff. I LOVE the stuff about the lack of free will. I have been teaching this sort of stuff for years, and I love the shocked look they get on their faces when I tell students they have no free will......

The Deranged Moose said...

I too was shocked.

Shocked and stunned.

Then I heard a thump behind me. That was my ass hitting the floor after I laughed it off.