Saturday, July 15, 2006

Dicks & Janes Podcast #10: Tokyo!

Okay, so get this straight eh - this podcast was made over a year ago, like June 2005. Yes, it's a summer rerun - the season ended at 60, more or less, and these are being reposted for late joiners to the Dicks 'n Janes fan club. But hey, it's Tokyo, so come along anyway, and hear what it's like getting lost and then finding out what the hell the Scarborough Dude is doing there anyway... Sorry, no music here either...


Anonymous said...

Hey dude:
Hope the summer is treating you well. I found this link and thought of you. Hope you dig it.


Scarborough Dude said...

I love it Dave!! Irecommedn every Dicks 'n Janes listener visit: