Friday, December 02, 2005

Dicks & Janes Podcast #37

Seems like maybe when the Scarborough Dude erased his hard drive, a portion of his brain went with it, overwritten with zeros. At least that's what Prick would like you to believe, since he's still after the Dude's job. Are we stuck with the new sidekicks, or are they soon on their way out? Stay tuned eh...

Sorry - Three Long Men - 1995 New Music Search (Toronto Artists)
Gosple Noble Truths - Allan Ginsberg - Holy Soul Jelly Roll
Bring It On - Nick Cave
Just Ask Melanie - Dialogue - Jackie Brown Soundtrack
I'd Rather Be Thin Than Famous - Jack Kerouac - Poetry For The Beat Generation
If Everyone Was Listening - Supertramp - Crime Of The Century


Anonymous said...

Leuchtend. Ihre podcasts sind das beste. Große Musik, auch.

Scarborough Dude said...

Well danke Der Zauberer. Sherlock tells me that might be interpreted as:

Lighting up. Their podcasts are the best. Large music, also.