Sunday, July 10, 2005

Dicks&Janes Podcast#16

Click title to hear this podcast!

Seemingly more confused than ever, the Scarborough Dude, as always, unloads whatever is on his mind, dragging the listener from a bar to the Molson Indy and back to the suburbs where he throws a little music and Zen into the crazy mix.

Stand Up - Kyprios - Peace Songs
We Are Nowhere and It's Now - Bright Eyes With Emmylou Harris - Uncut: New Music for 2005
I Know There's An Answer - Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
Gasoline Alley - Rod Stewart - The Best of...
Ca Plane Pour Moi - Plastic Bertrand - Plastic Bertrand (Greatest Hits)
Along The Navajo Trail - Roy Rogers - The Best of...


Anonymous said...

Great show Dude! That's gotta be your best yet! Love the choice of songs, and how it all comes together. But get rid of that announcer - you don't need him.

Anonymous said...

Wizzie says:

Yeah, that was a bad day. Radio Direct ... Radio Verite? Keep it up, Mr. Dude. Or can I call you Scarborough? Looking forward to the next one.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the show,the London news then evening subway sounds plus the "life goes on" sound of the Indy. Music a interesting blend. I too worry about a Canadian the Brits to be stoic and carry on...pubs that night did a great wasn't a nation cowering in fear.