Sunday, October 02, 2016

DicksnJanes #582: fartbubbles

The Scarborough Dude has to get rid of some excess gas.

Sir Duke - Stevie Wonder - Number 1's
Forever Young - Alphaville 


Unknown said...

Favourite lines:

how to lubricate your antenna

I don't have to be a useless twit who can't do anything.


Unknown said...

Re: making a nice setting for exercising, would the exercises be compatible with listening to podcasts? Or do they each demand enough attention that one would detract from the other?


Scarborough Dude said...

Going back earlier in time, I made a point of buying a turntable so I could enjoy my old records. But then found I rarely went down to the bar area to play them. So combining the exercise with the playing of my old LPs is what motivates me to keep doing this, more than listening to podcasts which I can do anytime.

Unknown said...

Speaking of making it down to the bar area, you're down there at the beginning of Baby Sally ep. 47, and you sound happy to be there.
