Tuesday, September 18, 2012

DicksnJanes Podcast #366: phogphestfour

The Scarborough Dude heads to Windsor again for PhogPhest Four and friends.

Stardust - Learning - Kant
There Is A Limit - Learning - Kant
Home To You - New Country Rehab  
Destroy Nations - Learning - Kant
Write It All Down For You - Elliot Brood - Mountain Meadows

Visit the Phog Lounge, best bar in Windsor!

1 comment:

Richard Bunky Bell said...

Instruction for Bodum use.
Pour coffee grounds in glass flask.
Pour in boiled water almost to top.
Gently stir and let sit for 2 min.
Gently stir again, seat plunger in flask and slowly push plunger down to the bottom.
Pour coffee into cup and enjoy.